Grand County

Grand County has a land area of 3,682 square miles and the estimated population is 9,589 (2008), which is 2.3 people per square mile. As of the census in 2000 the county seat, Moab, had a population of 4,779, and Castle Valley had a population of 349.
There is more state land (SITLA) in grand County by percentage, than any other county in Utah, infact 14.9% of Grand County (about 550 sq miles) is owned by SITLA. More than half of the SITLA land in Grand County (about 280 sq miles) is concentrated in one contiguous mass in north central Grand County (along the southern margin of the Uintah basin, along the crest and on the northward dipping slopes of the Roan/Book Cliffs)
- Fact Sheet
- Grand County. Southeastern Utah Association of County Governments.
ECONOMICS - See Economy
- Grand County Council
- Grand County Planning and Zoning
- Southeastern Utah Association of Local Governments
Grand County Planning
- 1996 - Public Facilities Analysis
- 1996 - General Plan
- 2000 - Grand County Land Use Code
- 2004 - General Plan Update
- 2008 - Spanish Valley Transportation Plan
- 2008 - Amended Land Use Code
- 2009 - Request for proposal to update general plan
- 2010 - Terms of Contract for General Plan Update
- 2010 - Handout for General Plan Update working group
- 2011- Grand County General Plan DRAFT
Comments from Canyonlands Watershed Council on the 2011 General Plan Update. (Under Construction)
- First Letter
- Second Letter
- Third Letter
Johnson's Up-On-Top (Cloudrock)
- 2000 - Moab Land Company: Cloudrock Preliminary Plan
- 2001 - Moab Land Company: Cloudrock Preliminary Plan
- 2006 - SITLA lease agreement with Leucadia
- 2007 - PUD Summary Amendment
- 2007 - Amended Agreement
- 2007 - Cloudrock Final Plat Phase 1a
- 2008 - A Look at Johnson's Up-On-Top. Grand County Citizens for Clean Water.
- 2008 - Second and Reinstated Development Agreement
- 2008 - Cloudrock development withdrawal letter
- Graphics of Johnson's Up-On-Top. Includes satellite imagery of the local topography, overlays of the Cloudrock infrastructure, location of the springs and wells, the direction of groundwater flow, and fractures in the Navajo Sandstone.
- 2010 - Utah Supreme Court Decision on Cloudrock Development.
Grand Water & Sewer Service Agency
Spanish Valley Water and Sewer Improvement District
- Water right docs - #05-475; #05-1062; #05-1285
- Click here to view City of Moab Water Documents
- MAP: Moab & Spanish Valley Service District of GCWCD
- MAP: Ground-water Wells of Grand County
- 2002 - List of Expenses. GWSSA.
- 2002 - Draft of Ground Water Monitoring Plan. GWSSA.
- 2002 - George White Well Monitoring Agreement
- 2002 - Moab City Concerns of Change Application
- 2002 - Moab City Revenue Analysis
- 2002a - Moab Protests Change Application
- 2002b - Moab Protests Change Application
- 2002 - Kirk DeFond Document Supporting Protest
- 2002 - Water Rights Inventory of GCWCD
- 2002 - Water Rights at Chapman Well & Highland Hills Well
- 2002 - Water Rights at Ken's Lake
- 2002 - George White Monitoring Wel. GWSSA.
- 2002 - OpEd about Change Application: Sam Taylor.
- 2002 - Response to Taylor's OpEd. Kyle Bailey
- 2002 - Change Application: Moab City Response to GCWCD
- 2003 - What Is Water Worth? (Moab & Spanish Valley). Pierson.
- 2003 - Change Application Approval. State Engineer.
- 2004 - Lance Christie & University of Utah Analysis of Ground-water
- 2004 - Bill Love Analysis of Increasing Aquifer Recharge
- 2004 - Septic Tank Analysis. UGS.
- 2005 - Water Resources of the Moab/Spanish Valley Area
- 2008 - 40-year plan
- 2009 - Water Conservation and Management Plan
- 2013 - Proposal for Reduced Flow of Mill Creek. GWSSA.
- 2016 - Water Master Plan.
- 2023 - 40-year water plan. GWSSA.
Mill Creek Partnership website
- 476 - Oil and gas wastewater